Done two maps...

But the next two are going to take a bit longer. Maybe a week for these, these are large maps. I did the smaller two this morning, and it was good to get them done! Anyway, after the next longer maps I'll be doing three more boss battles and then that's (mostly) it. Debugging, cleaning up, polishing is all next. I'm not going to stretch it out too much after that, the whole purpose of this game was to get a game done. So far, to my twenty year record of working on video games, I've only ever completed 3. Two of those are old DOS windows hybrid games that won't run on modern machines, even in emulation. Yay for messing around with DGJPP and fiddling with mem cache and assembly, I guess. The other completed game was the one I made with my kids for that game jam- Death Kart.

This game feels bigger than those, though, and it will be more important to get this done and out there and on sale. Also, this is probably the first game I made that wasn't top down, and had to use gravity and platforming. So that's an interesting first, I've also learned a ton working on this game. A lot of what I learned went into Death Kart, I could bring in a ton of stuff from Emberglass and just drop it in. The same thing for the RPG Engine I'm working on on the side right now.

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